Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Please take time to tell me your story

Please take the time to tell me your story. Please when I ask you a question, realize I don't expect a summary answer. Tell me a story. Tell me what the question means or doesn't mean to you. Tell me how you interpret the question. Don't respond to the question how you see it through my eyes. Tell me what you see through your eyes and why. Tell me what you see, what you think you see, your skepticism, and your intuitions, and your skepticism about your intuition, and your intuition about your skepticism. When a word comes to mind, tell me what that word means to you. Your response can't be too long, and if you don't want to answer, just say so, or in some way feel free to let me know.

When I say something, call me out on what I say wrong. Call me out on my ambiguities. on my blindness on my self-orientation, let me know when you don't understand what I'm saying or think I'm not saying something relevant to you. Don't be afraid to hurt my feelings, (but do attack me gently, please.)

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